
Oct 20, · The contemporary thinking out business ethics places leaders at the center of the ethical behavior of employees in an organization. According to the article, the role of the organizational leader also contains a moral component and should act as a role model for other employees in an organization to follow (Burton, ). As the overall manager of an Sep 17, · Business ethics Magazine Article. David Warsh. For the Manager’s Bookshelf The Evolution of Cooperation, Robert Axelrod (New York: Basic Books, ), pages, $ Passions Within Reason Literature Review Basically, the article discussed several important issues about business ethics. One of the most prominent was the remark she made about business ethics making a comeback. The conclusion was made upon the fact that business ethics are becoming more and more popular among business practitioners as the era of ‘Me-generation’, and its obsession
What’s the Matter with Business Ethics?
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Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Business ethics: A literature review with a focus on marketing ethics Journal of Business Ethics, Boston Cecil. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper.
Business ethics: A literature review with a focus on marketing ethics. Business Ethics: A Literature Review with John Tsalikis a Focus on Marketing Ethics David].
Fritzsche ABSTRACT. In recent years, the business ethics literature these pronouncements, policy statements on business has exploded in both volume and importance. Becauseof the ethics have poured forth from corporations, recog- sheer volume and diversity of this literature, a review article nizing the apparent fact that some of this country's was deemed necessary to provide focus and clarity to the most distinguished executives do not care how area.
The present paper reviews the literature on business results are obtained, even if it means breaking the ethics with a special focus in marketing ethics. The literature law. is divided into normative and empirical sections, with more In addition, Frederick argues that the social emphasis given to the latter.
Even though the majority of the environment is bound to become more turbulent articles deal with the American reality, most of the knowl- edge gained is easily transferable to other nations. and disorderly. Scott and Mitchell underscore that claim with their concern over widespread cor- ruption. Scott and Mitchell refer to the plethora of The ethical sensitivity of all professionals - lawyers, articles reporting article review on business ethics managerial excesses as exhor- physicians, educators, and business executives - has bitant bonuses, golden parachutes, "greenmail", ego- come under close scrutiny in recent years.
Post- motivated takeover wars, and even fraud. Watergate morality has dictated that the past level The most scathing indictment on the state of of ethics exhibited by professionals is no longer corporate ethics was voiced by Amitai Etzioni who adequate and perhaps never was. This renewed concluded that in the past decade, two-thirds of the ethical concern represents the recurrence of an largest U.
corporations have been involved in established issue: the lack of ethical behavior exhi- varying degrees in some form of illegal behavior bited by many persons in positions of responsibility.
Gellerman, New articles appear almost daily in newspapers However, article review on business ethics, the majority of situations that business stating that another company has come under inves- people face today do not involve strictly legal mat- tigation by the Article review on business ethics Department for illegal activ- ters.
Instead they must make judgments concerning ities such as illegal campaign contributions, bribes to what is "right" or ethical to do. It is one of the tasks foreign countries, insider trading, etc. In response to of ethics to distinguish between ethical and unethical business practices. The task of determining what is ethical or not is not easy.
Kenneth Andrews once John Tsalikis is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Florida said, "if it's black and white, and a man has nor- International University. His articles have appeared in the mal courage and security, article review on business ethics, he'll say no.
It's in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,Journal of gray areas that the businessman may more likely Business Ethics,Journal of International Consumer Mar- flounder. Fritzsche is a Professorof Business Administration at the Johnson argues that "most business deci- University of Portland, article review on business ethics. His articles have appeared in article review on business ethics sions involve choices between two or more goods or Academy of Management Journal, Columbia Journal of two undesirable options.
In other article review on business ethics, a Managers, and Researchin Corporate SocialPerformance desirable result is accompanied by a negative one.
An and Policy. example of this is the pollution and exhaustion of Journal ~fBusiness Ethics 8: Printed in the Netherlands. Tsalikis and D. Fritzsche resources which often accompanies high standards of Ethics, according to DeGeorgepp.
is the study of morality. DeGeorge argues that: Within the business firm, the functional area most closely related to ethical abuse is marketing. Morality is a term used to cover those practices and This is because marketing is the function of business activities that are considered importantly fight and charged with communicating and openly satisfying wrong, the rules which govern those activities, and the customers.
Thus, marketing is closest to the public values that are imbedded, fostered, or pursued by those activities and practices, article review on business ethics.
The morality of a society is view and, consequently, is subject to considerable related to its mores or the customs accepted by a society societal analysis and scrutiny Murphy and Laczniak, or group as being the right and wrong ways to act, as well as to the laws of a society which add legal prohibitions This paper will review the literature on business and sanctions to many activities considered to be im- ethics with a special focus in marketing ethics.
In moral. addition, the majority of the reviewed literature has an American perspective. For an excellent collection Similarly, Taylorp. However, before where morality means "moral judgments, standards, proceeding any further it is necessary to: 1 define and rules of conduct. into the nature and grounds of moral judgments, standards, and rules of conduct rdating to marketing decisions and marketing situations. Christianity has Adam eating the forbidden to restrict the terms morals and morality to the fruit, Cain murdering his brother.
The majority of conduct itsel£ The terms ethics and ethical refer the ancient Greek philosophers devoted much of to the study of moral: conduct or to the code one their time to developing theories of ethics. The article review on business ethics follows. theories studied ethics from a normative perspective, For an extensive treatment of "business ethics" meaning that they were concerned with "construct- definitions see Lewis ing and justifying the moral standards and codes that one ought to follow" Vitell, On the other side, a positive perspective of ethics attempts to P h i l o s o p h i c a l n o r m a t i v e ethical theories describe and explain how individuals actually behave in ethical situations.
Recognizing that the number of these theories is One of the major preoccupations of ethical theor- quite significant, only the ethical theories most ists was to create a definition of ethics. Article review on business ethics with the commonly refered to in the business literature will majority of concepts, ethics was defined differently be presented.
by different theorists. The ethical theories are usually divided into three Beauchamp and Bowiep. Some philoso- havior refers to 'just' or 'right' standards of behavior phers call the first group teleological, while group between parties in a situation. Group three is a hybrid Barry defines ethics as "the study of what of both teleological and deontological theories.
constitutes good and bad human conduct, including Cavanagh et al. or rights of individuals, including the right to free Utilitarianism argues that if it were possible to consent, the right to privacy, the right to freedom of accurately calculate pleasure and pain, we would conscience, the fight to free speech, and the right to subtract the total unhappiness from the total happi- due process; 3 theories of justice - focusing on the ness our action would produce, and choose the distributional effects of actions.
action which produces the greatest net happiness. While all utilitarians agree on the principle of greatest net utility, they disagree on how this prin- Consequential theories ciple should be applied. Some utilitarians would apply it to the act itself; others, to the rule the act falls under. Thus we get act utilitarians and rule Traditionally, many theorists contend that the moral utilitarians, article review on business ethics. rightness of an action can be determined by looking Act utilitarianism maintains that the right act is at its consequences.
If the consequences are good, the the one that produces the greatest ratio of good to act is ethical; if bad, the act is unethical. In other evil for all concerned, article review on business ethics. On the other side, rule utili- words, an ethical act is one that produces at least as tarians ask us to determine the worth of the rule great a ratio of good to evil as any other course.
under which an action fails. If keeping the rule An obvious question arises in regard to the conse- produces more total good than breaking it, we quences. In deciding what to do should we consider should keep it.
the consequences only to oneself? Or should one Act utilitarianism has provided the basis for an consider them with respect to everyone involved?
ethical position termed situational ethics proposed That decision hinges on the two main consequential by Joseph Fletcher.
Fletcher advocates acting theories - egoism and utilitarianism. in a way that produces the most "Christian love", that is, the greatest amount of love fulfillment and Egoism. Egoism contends that an act is ethical when benevolence. For Fletcher it is crucial when making it promotes the individual's best long-term interests. moral decisions to be fully aware of all the facts If an action produces a greater ratio of good to evil surrounding the case, as well as the probable conse- for the individual in the long run than any other quences of each alternative.
But he also argues that alternative, then that action is ethical. A major after all calculations have been completed, one must misconception is that all egoists are exponents of choose the act that will best serve "love" as defined hedonism - the view that only pleasure is good in in the Christian tradition. itself and worth seeking. True, some egoists are Fletcher views situational ethics as one of three hedonistic, as was the ancient Greek philosopher primary avenues for making moral decisions.
The Epicurus. But other egoists identify the good with other two are: a the legalistic, which contends that knowledge, rational self-interest and self-actualiza- moral rules are absolute laws that must always be t-ion.
obeyed; and b the antinomian, which contends that Among the weaknesses of ethical egoism are: a no guidelines exist, that each situation is unique article review on business ethics ethical egoism would take article review on business ethics stand against even the requires a new decision. most blatant business practices, e. discrimination, Among the weaknesses of utilitarianism are: a it pollution, unsafe products, etc.
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, time: 6:46Business Ethics Articles - Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
This paper is an article review on the topic of business ethics in any business setup. The article to be reviewed in this paper is titled “Survey of Workplace Ethics” by Curtis C. Verschoor. Bribery and corruption are the main ethical issue facing the company and its leaders Literature Review Basically, the article discussed several important issues about business ethics. One of the most prominent was the remark she made about business ethics making a comeback. The conclusion was made upon the fact that business ethics are becoming more and more popular among business practitioners as the era of ‘Me-generation’, and its obsession Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Focus Areas. Business Ethics. Business Ethics Resources. Business Ethics Articles. Articles on corporate governance, organizational ethics, creating an ethical culture, leadership, and global business ethics. (For permission to reprint articles, submit requests to ethics@blogger.com)
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